How to do a Backblast

Please use the Backblast feature of the SlackBlast bot to post your Backblasts.  Any other method is being deprecated and will only cause you to trigger angst and disdain amongst your fellow PAX.

You like videos? Here’s some backblast YouTube guides.


Step 1: Launch the Backblast form 

The easiest way is to launch this from the AO channel you want to post it to.  Example: go to #tarmac and then type “/backblast”







STEP 2: Fill in the Form

Have fun naming the workout. Upload the picture by the flag, aka “boyband”
Make sure the right AO and Q are selected.  It will default the Q to you since you are filling in the form.  MAKE SURE the date is correct.
CoQ(s)s is for Co-Q’s if they exist.












STEP 3: Finish filling in the Form

Enter all of the PAX that attended.  You can use the Name o Rama video or the picture by the flag photo to help jog your memory. The PAX count will auto count the number of PAX you entered.
The Moleskin is the main body of the Backblast.
Verify all of the info and then Submit.  Don’t leave yet though!  You still need to add the Name-o-Rama video and any other fun content if you choose.














STEP 4: Add more content

Reply in a thread to the new post the Backblast form made.  Then upload the Name-o-Rama video and any other media you might have that is of interest.